Now that New Pokémon Snap is out and photographers everywhere are diving in, more and more players are discovering the wonders of the game’s Lental region. In New Pokémon Snap, players are tasked with filling out their Photodex, a catalog similar to the Pokédex found in the mainline entries. The region contains various diverse biomes for players to ride along. While those areas certainly contain plenty of scenic vistas, the main attraction is how many different Pokémon they house.

New Pokémon Snap

Unlike the Pokédex, New Pokémon Snap’s Photodex fills out as you go, meaning they are numbered in the order in which you can encounter them. This makes filling out a particular level simpler. Because of this, Pokémon and their evolved forms aren’t placed next to one another. If you’re worried your favorite monster didn’t make it, we’ve got you (mostly) covered. 

All Confirmed Pokémon Snap Entries So Far

New Pokémon Snap features more than 200 different Pokémon to discover and photograph. Check out all the creatures we’ve encountered to this point in our photographic journey. Just be warned: The following list contains spoilers. Be sure to bookmark this page and check back as we continue to update the list of Pokémon found in New Pokémon Snap!

New Pokémon Snap

# Name
001 Vivillon
002 Pichu
003 Grookey
004 Scorbunny
005 Bouffalant
006 Pidgeot
007 Tangrowth
008 Emolga
009 Wurmple
010 Murkrow
011 Caterpie
012 Heracross
013 Pinsir
014 Dodrio
015 Ducklett
016 Swanna
017 Bidoof
018 Taillow
019 Torterra
020 Magikarp
021 Hoothoot
022 Comfey
023 Florges
024 Combee
025 Vespiquen
026 Sylveon
027 Shaymin
028 Meganium
029 Eevee
030 Pikachu
031 Cutiefly
032 Bunnelby
033 Scoutland
034 Starly
035 Meowth
036 Audino
037 Rattata
038 Trubbish
039 Sudowoodo
040 Dedenne
041 Aipom
042 Bounsweet
044 Beautifly
045 Arbok
046 Yanmega
047 Pikipek
048 Toucannon
049 Ariados
050 Morelull
051 Slaking
053 Liepard
054 Wooper
055 Quagsire
056 Swampert
057 Ledian
059 Leafeon
061 Trevenant
062 Espurr
063 Shiftry
064 Kecleon
065 Deerling
066 Sawsbuck
067 Unfezant
068 Drampa
069 Pancham
070 Bulbasaur
071 Serperior
073 Bewear
076 Lotad
077 Espeon
078 Celebi
079 Milotic
080 Wingull
081 Exeggutor
082 Crabrawler
083 Drifblim
084 Zangoose
085 Seviper
086 Bellossom
087 Inkay
088 Pyukumuku
089 Machamp
090 Stunfisk
091 Octillery
092 Corsola
093 Finneon
094 Clamperl
095 Primarina
096 Raichu
097 Sandygast
098 Sharpedo
099 Squirtle
100 Blastoise
101 Lapras
102 Mantine
103 Pelipper
104 Wailord
105 Mareanie
108 Luvdisc
109 Alomomola
110 Wailmer
111 Cradily
112 Lumineon
113 Qwilfish
114 Clawitzer
115 Tentacruel
116 Chinchou
117 Lanturn
119 Frillish
120 Golisopod
122 Wishiwashi
123 Skorupi
124 Cacnea
125 Sandshrew
126 Trapinch
127 Flygon
128 Kangaskhan
129 Mandibuzz
130 Minior
131 Silicobra
132 Torchic
133 Heliolisk
134 Lycanroc
135 Hippowdon
136 Tyranitar
137 Onix
138 Altaria
139 Shinx
140 Luxray
141 Talonflame
142 Monferno
143 Aerodactyl
144 Tyrantrum
145 Graveler
146 Archeops
147 Slugma
148 Torkoal
149 Charmander
150 Charizard
151 Typhlosion
152 Flareon
154 Volcarona
155 Furret
156 Cubchoo
157 Beartic
158 Mightyena
160 Braviary
161 Swinub
162 Mamoswine
163 Skarmory
164 Sandslash
165 Abomasnow
166 Vulpix
167 Delibird
169 Frosmoth
171 Snorunt
172 Glalie
174 Jynx
175 Spheal
176 Piplup
177 Vanilluxe
183 Crobat
184 Joltik
185 Geodude
186 Carbink
187 Gengar
188 Noibat
190 Croagunk
191 Drifloon
193 Sableye
194 Rampardos
197 Mawile
200 Steelix
201 Houndoom
202 Eldegoss
203 Natu
204 Absol
205 Salandit
206 Noivern
207 Woobat
208 Sigilyph
209 Beheeyem
210 Golurk
211 Chandelure
212 Umbreon
214 Xerneas

As you may have noticed, we’re missing a few entries, but we will continue to update this as we discover more Pokémon on our journeys. For our full thoughts on New Pokémon Snap, be sure to read our review here.