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In today’s update for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, players can gain access to the new “gunner” specialization, which comes with the new rapid-fire minigun, the “banshee” skill, and the riot-foam grenade.

The minigun gives players a temporary boost in defense when in use, while raining down bullets upon targets for a short period of time. The “banshee” signature skill causes confusion for enemies – even when under cover – and the riot-foam grenade temporarily immobilizes opponents, leaving them open to attacks.

The specialization is free, but those without the year one pass will need to complete five in-game challenges to unlock it. Those with the pass will have instant access to the specialization, but can still complete the challenges for additional cosmetic items.

The Division 2 is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and is coming to Google Stadia. For more on the game’s future, catch up on where it’s headed next, or read our review!